Fan Di’an: Welcome to Explore the Secret Echoes of the Spirit of Anish Kapoor’s Art | Exhibition is Open to the Public on October 26

 Anish Kapoor solo exhibition in China 

 CAFA Art Museum & Taimiao Art Museum 


 CAFA Art Museum 

 2019/10/26 - 2020/1/1

 Taimiao Art Museum 

2019/11/11 - 12/28

Mr. Anish Kapoor is a representative of contemporary Western art and also a renowned artist in the international contemporary art world. His works have been highlighted frequently in international art exhibitions, particularly those large-scale works towering in the urban public spaces, exerting a significant influence as a trans-century wonder of art. In Autumn 2019, his first large-scale retrospective art exhibition in China will be held simultaneously at CAFA Art Museum and the Taimiao Art Museum, which could be regarded as a spectacular journey of Kapoor’s art in China.


Anish Kapoor, Destierro

Earth, pigment and mechanical digger

Dimensions variable

©Anish Kapoor, 2019

In the changing trend of Western art and culture at the end of 20th century, Kapoor’s art emerged with its ideas and forms showing both individuality and publicity. The interlacing of his rigorous thinking, mysterious fantasy and free imagination render his art beyond previous patterns, bursting out a luster of fresh perceptions, and becoming a cultural representation with multiple implications and abundant energy. Kapoor’s creation is rooted in ancient Indian philosophy. He integrates the spiritual core of Eastern culture with the modern symbolism of Western culture and establishes a unique relationship between material media and cultural metaphor, self-sufficient pattern and ecological environment. He advocates that color is baptism and belief, space is mind and soul, and material is in spiritual possession, which makes his works invite mysterious and powerful resonance force in the binary compound languages such as the material and immaterial, existence and transcendence, essence and extension. In the 1980s, Kapoor had become one of the representative artists of the “New British Sculpture”, and won the “Turner Prize” that manifests the spirit of western innovation and exploration. As his ideas correspond to and reflect the new cultural reality and cultural psychological signs in the global context, his art is widely accepted globally, resulting in a broad influence in cross-cultural communications.


Anish Kapoor, Symphony for a Beloved Sun, 2013

Stainless steel, wax, conveyer belts

Photo credit: Dave Morgan 

©Anish Kapoor, 2019

The capability of the artists lies in the realization of a complex concept into a simple visual form and the application of the pure visual form in prompting the metaphysical implication. Kapoor is a master in grasping the relationship between purity and polysemy. He is good at using the space where the works are placed to create the site of generation of the works, producing illusive impressions and offering viewers with immersive perceptions. Some of the language signs belong to his specialities, such as the applying of red - a symbol of life origin, the powder that embodies the idea of “emptiness” and the “descension” that looks like a whirlpool, a cavern or a blackhole. The material and form he’s best at is his installation work of stainless-steel structure. This kind of works are extremely pure, always featuring a curved surface, thus making the bright and clean surface not only a shiny object itself but also a carrier of the surrounding landscape, while the phenomenon of refraction and reflection leads to a series of conversion from “ordinary” to “extraordinary”, producing a stunning “mirror image”.


Anish Kapoor, Cloud Gate, 2001-2004

Stainless steel

25 x 15 x 12m

Millennium Park, Chicago

©Anish Kapoor, 2019


Anish Kapoor, Non-Object (Spire), 2007

Stainless steel

302.3 x 300 x 300cm

Photo credit: Tim Mitchell

©Anish Kapoor, 2019


Anish Kapoor, C-Curve, 2007

Stainless steel

2.2m x 7.7m x 3m

Photo credit: Dave Morgan

©Anish Kapoor, 2019


Sky Mirror, 2006

Stainless steel

Diameter: 10 m

Photo credit: Tim Mitchell

©Anish Kapoor, 2019


Tsunami, 2018

Stainless steel

Photo credit: Dave Morgan

©Anish Kapoor, 2019

Mr. Kapoor attaches great importance to the journey of his art in China, and planned and prepared for the show together with my colleagues, who are the show’s host. We both hope that the exhibition could academically present Kapoor’s main artistic achievements to date, and also build a site for direct experience of his large-scale works. Contemporary Chinese art, while basing itself on domestic innovation and development, still needs to keep an eye on the world, carry out extensive exchanges and form a profound cultural dialogue. Kapoor’s art is so intelligently responsive to the complexity of today’s world, and so wonderfully makes spectators perceive the metaphysical secret echoes of its spirit. This Autumn, in response to Kapoor’s wish to “invite people to explore”, let’s immerse ourselves in his grand art scene and have a free discussion.

Fan Di’an

Director of Central Academy of Fine Arts

President of Chinese Artists Association

October 2019


Anish Kapoor, Sectional Body preparing for Monadic Singularity, 2015

PVC and steel

730 x 730 x 730 cm

Photo credit: Tadzio

©Anish Kapoor, 2019


Anish Kapoor, My Red Homeland, 2003

Wax and oil-based paint, steel arm and motor

Diameter: 12 m

©Anish Kapoor, 2019


Anish Kapoor, To Reflect an Intimate Part of the Red, 1981

Mixed materials, color powder

200 x 800 x 800cm

Photo credit: Andrew Penketh

©Anish Kapoor, 2019

 About the Exhibition 


Academic Consultant: Fan Di'an 

Artistic Director: Su Xinping 

Curatorial Advisor: Hans Ulrich Obrist

Chief Curator: Zhang Zikang 

Curators: Wang Chunchen Yue Jieqiong 

Organizers: Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Municipal Federation Trade Unions 

Co-Organizers: CAFA Art Museum, Taimiao Art Museum 

Chief Supporting Organization: Zhonghong Chuangyi (Beijing) Culture Development Co, Ltd.

Supporting Organizations: Lisson Gallery, Galleria Continua and the British Council

 CAFA Art Museum 

| Time |

 2019/10/25 - 2020/1/1

Open to the public on 10/26

| Opening Hours |

Tuesday to Sunday 9:30-17:30

(Last admission 17:00)/ Closed on Monday

 Taimiao Art Museum 

| Time | 


| Opening Hours |

9:00-17:00 daily

(Last ticket purchase 16:30)

 Ticketing Information 

*  All kinds of ticket can be used throughout the exhibition starting 10/26.


Scan the QR code to purchase ticket

Early-bird Ticket:90 yuan

(Available from 2019/10/10-10/25)

Adult ticket: 120 yuan

Discount ticket: 60 yuan

(Please refer to discount ticket use policy below for eligibility)

Family ticket: 260 yuan

(2 adults and 1 child above 120 cm)

*Group ticket: Groups of 10 or more may enjoy 20% discount off original price.

Visitors with union membership card may enjoy 20% discount off original price.

(Group ticket only available at the CAFAM front desk)

For inquiries please call: 010-64771575

 | Notes | 

* The ticket of Anish Kapoor exhibition at CAFA Art Museum is 120 yuan. Visitors with union membership card may enjoy 20% discount off original price, and visit the Anish Kapoor exhibition at the Taimiao Art Museum for free. Visitors to Taimiao without card could buy the bell exhibition ticket for 15 yuan, and enjoy the Anish Kapoor exhibition for free. The east and west side halls of Xiang Dian are open for free. Visitors may enter with 2-yuan palace ticket.

* Teachers and students of CAFA, children under 120cm (adult company is required, and the adult needs to purchase ticket), elderlies above 60, military service men and disabled people may visit the exhibition for free.

* Students above 120cm (graduates students included), visitors with CAFA Alumni Card, CAFAM VIP Card, CAFAM Membership Card and Museum Association Membership Card, museum employees may purchase discount ticket.

Note: Free ticket and discount ticket can be purchased and verified upon showing credentials. CAFAM reserves the right for final explanation.

Child Public Education Reservation Form

I agree to the Group Visit Agreement and Statement Please agree to the Group Visit Agreement.

Adult Public Education Event Reservation Form

I agree to the Group Visit Agreement and Statement Please agree to the Group Visit Agreement.

Group Public Education Event Reservation Form

I agree to the Group Visit Agreement and Statement Please agree to the Group Visit Agreement.

Group Visit Agreement
and Statement

CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Group Visit Agreement
and Statement

CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Group Visit Agreement
and Statement

CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Event Booking Form

Valid Certificate: Identity Card
ID Number:


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